Thursday, September 6, 2007
Top Ten

Tuesday, September 4, 2007
Rinse and Spit

For those of you who have never known the joy (I mean horror) of having a root canal, I thought I would share this lovely picture with you. (Dr. Denbar said I am the first of his patients in 34 years to ever ask for a picture). Yep, that is me behind the old lady sunglasses. Does Dr. Denbar remind you of Dr. Phil or is it just my medication that makes me think so?
Anyway, I spent my day off (Lauren goes to preschool on Tuesdays and Thursdays) in the dentist chair. After 2 hours and 10 minutes, I felt like a brand new person -- NOT!
I do have to say that Dr. Denbar does an amazing job and is very patient with me (I need lots of breaks because of my TMJ). I should be the poster child for flossing and staying away from sugar! The only thing I can compare the experience of a root canal with is that of labor. Some may say I am over-reacting. But when you have TMJ and you have to wear the contraption pictured above, it can make for a very unpleasant experience. Thank goodness for my iPod which provides much needed distraction. I actually rocked out to Stevie Ray Vaughn and found the strength and where withall to raise my "Hook 'Em horns" sign when the Texas Fight song played. Yes, I have the Texas Fight song on my iPod as all self-respecting Longhorns should.
For the past year I have been working with Dr. Denbar to treat my TMJ and replace old fillings. I actually have a 10-step written plan we have been following. I am almost there! Thank goodness. I think Dr. Denbar will probably be enjoying a month long vacation and adding on to his house with all the $$$ he is making off my poor teeth.
Now off to floss!