The tooth fairy will be paying Lauren an early visit! While we were at our annual dentist appt. last week, the dentist indicated that Lauren had two loose teeth. I could not believe I had never noticed! I brush her teeth 2 to 3 times a day! She is only 4 -- how can she be loosing teeth already?
When Lauren ate her lunch today she began to cry and said her tooth hurt. Then at dinner she refused to eat anything but ice cream. She was so upset that I took her stright from the dinner table to the tub. Usually if she soaks in a warm bath, all is as good as new. Well, she called me in before the tub was even half full to report that she had pulled her tooth! I just could not believe she did it on her own. Miss Independent. It took Jackson weeks to finally let us pull his first tooth. I think Lauren was determined not to let anything stand between her and food!