Thursday, March 20, 2008
Brotherly Love
Recently while shopping at Target, Jackson found a box set of Star Wars action figures that he really wanted. They cost $20.00. He has been saving his money and he had $16.00 with him. I told him he did not have enough money right then, but he could save up for the reamining $4.00 or he could put it on his birthday wish list. We continued shopping. A few minutes later I noticed that Jackson had his hands in Lauren's mouth. I scolded him and told him he was getting germs in Lauren's mouth and to STOP THAT RIGHT NOW. Lauren said, "That's O.K. mom. I told Jackson he could pull one of my teeth because the Tooth Fairy brings me $5 for each tooth. That way, he will have enough for his aciton figures." Now on a side note you should know that Lauren does not currently have any loose teeth. This meant she was willing to sacrifice a tooth and the pain and suffering of pulling a tooth in order for her brother to have the toys that he wanted. Now that is love!
Spring Break
I am exhausted! Spring Break was anything but a break for us. The kids and I took a short trip to East Texas to spend some time on the farm with Nana and Big Daddy. The kids had a blast riding in their Gator! Big Daddy also surprised Jackson with a new BB Gun. And you know what -- the boy is a good shot!!! We were all impressed. Jackson also enjoyed practicing his bull riding skills on Sunday at Cowboy Church (check out my Cowboy Church Blog Entry).
Then it was home again to celebrate Lauren's birthday. Lauren actually celebrated her birthday for a full week. The girl really takes after her mom. I think we ate our weight in cupcakes!
We then headed to Waco for a day at the zoo. (Check out our great pictures in our Waco Zoo Blog Entry).
Lauren also had a friend over for her very first sleep over. We went to Chuck E Cheese and had a great time playing at the park.
Then Daddy and Jackson went on their first overnight camping trip.
I think we squeezed as much fun into one week as possible! I am ready to slow things down a bit!!!
Sleep Over

To celebrate her fifth birthday, Lauren had her first sleep over. Lauren hosted her best friend Kayla from preschool to lunch and games at Chuck E Cheese, a playdate at the park and dancing while watching 12 Dancing Princesses. They were so exhausted from all their activities, that they fell asleep as soon as their heads hit the pillow! Lauren has already asked to have another sleep over. Given the success of her first, I am happy to oblige.
Waco Zoo
During Spring Break the kids and I enjoyed a trip to the Waco Zoo with our friends and neighbors the Wu Family (Emily, Elizabeth and Lila). I was so impressed with this zoo. I highly recommend it. I can't wait to go back!
Lauren's Special Day
In celebration of Lauren's 5th birthday, she went to Sweet & Sassy for a "Diva for a Day" makeover. She was the center of attention for hours while she got a manicure, pedicure, facial, haircut and style and makeup! Nana and Aunt Kasie joined us for this very special girl day. Once Lauren finished her Diva treatment, we headed to the mall to have her ears pierced. This is something we had discussed for many months prior to the big day. Lauren was determined to get her ears pierced even though mommy had explained how much it would hurt -- and it would require daily cleaning etc...She climbed into the chair without hesitation, squeezed a teddy bear and sucked on a sucker and the whole procedure was over in less than five minutes. Mommy had tears, but Miss Lauren did not! She could not wait to show off her new pink earrings. What a big girl.
We enjoyed a special girl's lunch. Then later that night the whole family headed to one of Lauren's favorite places for dinner -- Serrano's. The evening was topped off with a yummy 12 Dancing Princesses birthday cake. What a day! My baby is all grown up!
Monday, March 17, 2008
Cowboy Church
During our trip to East Texas we had the chance to visit my parent's new church. It is a Cowboy Church. For those Yankees reading this entry -- Here is what Wikipedia has listed as the description of a Cowboy Church:
"Cowboy Churches are local Christian churches within the cowboy culture that are distinctively western heritage in character. A typical cowboy church may meet in a rural setting in a barn, metal building, arena, sale barn or old western building, have its own rodeo arena, and a country gospel band. Baptisms are generally done in a cattle tank. The sermons are usually short and simple. Some cowboy churches have covered arenas where rodeo events such as bullriding, team roping, ranch sorting, team penning and equestrian events are held on weeknights, such as Thousand Hills Cowboy Church in Kerrville, Texas. Emphasis is placed on the "no barriers" model developed by Ron Nolen of Waxahachie, Texas, where he planted the first and the largest "cowboy church" in the world. The "no barriers" church model removes from the worship service the traditions that are believed to have no biblical basis, such as the "altar call" and passing of the collection plate. Tithes and offerings are simply placed in a boot, hat, or wooden bird house at the rear of the meeting room. Even though most of these churches are located in Texas, many have sprung up in other states across the Southwestern United States."
What an amazing way to worship. Cowboy Church is just that -- a church to help people in agriculture, specifically the cowboy, obtain a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. I told my dad it felt like they cut out the middle man and went straight to God. I truly felt the presence of Jesus and his work in the lives of those there. It was an amazing experience. And, we all got to wear our boots and jeans! I LOVE my church here in Austin, but I have to say there truly is something special going on in the Cowboy Church. I truly can't wait to visit again.
The picture above is of Jackson practicing his bull riding skills before the service!
Lion Heart

Jackson wrapped up his first basketball season following a very exciting tournament. The Heat tied their first game but lost in a shoot out in overtime. They were very successful in their second game winning by more than 10 points. Jackson scored the last basket (after the buzzer) but he was convinced that his basket won the game. Of course mom and dad could not steal away his thunder so he will never know -- shhhhh!!!
Following the game we had a pizza party at the park and the couch handed out trophies (Jackson's first). The coach said a few words about each player as they received their awards. He called Jackson the Lion Heart of the team because of his amazing team spirit. We could not be more proud.
Go HEAT!!!!!
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