After months and months of hearing about how all Jackson's friends had a Wii -- Mike and I decided to see what all the fuss was about. We asked a few questions while on a trip to Best Buy and talked to a sales representative about the best times to find a Wii in stock. Then we walked to Toys R Us just for fun and guess what -- they had four Wii stations behind the counter. I pressured Mike into buying one on the spot because I did not want to waste time standing in lines and repeatedly looking at stores because I knew how hard they can be to find. I promptly took the kids to the other side of the store and Mike took our secret purchase to the car. We kept it in the closest for months trying to decide the best time and way to surprise the kids.
We decided to use the Wii as a reward for the kids' good work in school. Jackson had perfect attendance this year! He also did an amazing job on his spelling, reading and math. We were just blown away with all he accomplished.
Given Jackson's new found obsession with Indiana Jones, Mike had the idea of a scavenger hunt that would require the kids to incorporate some of what they learned in school. Mike sent Jackson an e-mail from Indiana Jones that announced the adventure. Then the kids followed clues around the house that required them to do such tasks as count money, spell words and cross the monkey bars. It was awesome! The kids had a ball! The last clue led them to a treasure box with a Wii game and controller inside. You should have seen their faces! It was one of those top 10 parenting moments where you fell like a true hero for helping their dreams come true! We inclued a letter in the treasure box to tell them they received the Wii for their amazing work in school -- we hope it will encourage their continued good efforts!