Jackson and Mrs. Ogle

Lauren and Mrs. Ilseng
We met our new teachers this week. They are both amazing and I am sure it is going to be a very fun year for Lauren and Jackson.
Lauren will be going back to First Foundations on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9:30 - 1:30. Her new teacher is Mrs. Ilseng. Her room has a safari theme and the class name is "the wild things." Lauren should fit right in! Lauren was so excited to see a whole bucket of dress up clothes. She could not wait to put it all on.
Jackson's new teacher is Mrs. Ogle. She has been teaching first grade for 12 years. She said she is a "hugger" so Jackson should be in the right place. I think Mrs. Ogle looks a little bit like Nana, what do you think? The best news is that several of Jackson's favorite friends are in his class. They were all very excited to see eachother. And, Jackson was thrilled because Mrs. Ogle has a large selection of Arthur books!
Mommy has had lots of tears this week. I am not at all ready for my babies to go back to school. They have been so good this summer. I know it is going to be hard for Lauren when Jackson is gone all day. They have had so much fun playing together. They have been pirates, Jedi and Hogwarts students. We have had tons of playdates and time in the pool. I am not looking forward to the hectic schedule of the Fall, but there is no fighting it. So I am going to put on a brave face and gas up the mini van. Let the after school activities begin!
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