Thursday, August 30, 2007

Dog Years

Katya celebrated her 14th birthday today. That is 98 in dog years!
She gave us a little scare yesterday because she was unable to get up. We have known for awhile that she is declining, but it hit me like a ton of bricks to see her unable to stand on her own. I took her in for a check up today. She has lost a lot of weight and has advanced arthritis. The Vet prescribed a new medication and we are hopeful it will put the spring back in her step. She had a great birthday which included running errands with me (she loves to ride in the car). I made her hamburger and rice for dinner and she had a Twinkies for her birthday dessert. Not a bad day for an old lady.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Little Pink

We are sad to report that "Little Pink" is officially lost. Little Pink has been Lauren's favorite blanket since she was one. We think we left Little Pink at a restaurant, but she has not been found (mom called twice). We thought this might be a good opportunity to break our habit of carrying a blanket EVERYWHERE we go. But, after many tears and many discussions, mom decided to call Aunt Patty and ask her to PLEASE make us a replacement. (We do have a backup blanket the same shape and size, but it is not comfy enough says Lauren). We are hoping "Little Pink #2" will arrive within a week or two. As you can imagine, the first day of school without your favorite blanket can be a bit daunting. But, Lauren did fine once she saw her friends and found some dress up clothes. I am excited to know that Little Pink will be replaced because I can think of no better keepsake to remember Lauren's early years. She has had Little Pink in her chubby little hand for as long as I can remember. Let's hope Aunt Patty can work her magic and recreate our special lovey!

Monday, August 27, 2007

Sweet Heart

Look at Jackson's sad little face in this picture. It just breaks MY heart. But, I have to tell you he was bouncing around like Mork from Ork as soon as the leads came off!

As most of you know, Jackson went for some tests last week to rule out possible problems associated with his heart murmur. He has what is referred to as a Still's Murmur. The good news is that it is perfectly normal. Thank you God! I held it together until the doctor told us everything looked fine. Then I broke. I did not realize how nervous I was. Man, this little guy has put his mommy to the test! But, life is never boring that is for sure!

Daddy almost had a heart attack when they gave us the bill -- $2500! Can you believe? With the broken wrist and cardiology appointment, Jackson is racking up quite the medical bills this year. Oh well, it could be so much worse. We are just glad to rule out any potential problems and move forward with school and sports as usual. Let's just pray for a healthy year ahead, PLEASE!

First Day of School

Jackson is on his way to school. I have to admit I am a little sad. He was nervous and a little teary, but we said a little prayer together and that helped. He wanted to know what time the tardy bell would ring and if he would be on time. He wanted to know if anyone would be late on the first day. He wanted to know what the lunch selections are today (mommy did not know). He wanted to know what I packed in his lunch. He wanted to know if he was a walker or car rider. He wanted to know if I would pick him up. He wanted to know where I would wait for him after school. He wanted to know what time I would pick him up. Once he was satisfied with all my answers, he was good to go. Do you think he got his parents' worry genes?

A good friend and neighbor told me yesterday that both her girls had Mrs. Ogle for first grade. She said Mrs. Ogle, "Hung the moon and the stars." She told me Mrs. Ogle is an amazing and loving teacher and each year she requests that her daughters have teachers just like Mrs. Ogle. Needless to say, I am thrilled. I know Jackson is right where he should be. The only negative is that Mrs. Ogle is an Aggie! Given all her other amazing qualities, I have decided to let it slide!

I am not sure what Little Lauren and I will do without our Bubba today. The little princess is still sleeping - of course. I bet she is not going to be very happy when she wakes up. They usually start playing as soon as she wakes up. I have had to beg them all summer to come down and eat breakfast!

I just got a call from Daddy. He told me that he and Jackson were the first to arrive in Mrs. Ogle's class today. He said Jackson cried just a little but adjusted quickly. He said Jackson asked Mrs. Ogle where the numbers were to show if you get in trouble. That gave her and Daddy a good laugh.


Saturday, August 25, 2007

Back to School

Jackson and Mrs. Ogle

Lauren and Mrs. Ilseng

We met our new teachers this week. They are both amazing and I am sure it is going to be a very fun year for Lauren and Jackson.

Lauren will be going back to First Foundations on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9:30 - 1:30. Her new teacher is Mrs. Ilseng. Her room has a safari theme and the class name is "the wild things." Lauren should fit right in! Lauren was so excited to see a whole bucket of dress up clothes. She could not wait to put it all on.

Jackson's new teacher is Mrs. Ogle. She has been teaching first grade for 12 years. She said she is a "hugger" so Jackson should be in the right place. I think Mrs. Ogle looks a little bit like Nana, what do you think? The best news is that several of Jackson's favorite friends are in his class. They were all very excited to see eachother. And, Jackson was thrilled because Mrs. Ogle has a large selection of Arthur books!

Mommy has had lots of tears this week. I am not at all ready for my babies to go back to school. They have been so good this summer. I know it is going to be hard for Lauren when Jackson is gone all day. They have had so much fun playing together. They have been pirates, Jedi and Hogwarts students. We have had tons of playdates and time in the pool. I am not looking forward to the hectic schedule of the Fall, but there is no fighting it. So I am going to put on a brave face and gas up the mini van. Let the after school activities begin!

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Sea World

Jackson, Lauren and I went to Sea World yesterday with Aunt Kasie and Carson and our good friends Will and Staci Bryan. We had an amazing day. The kids (all four of them) were perfect. It was a near perfect day. The kids were worn out by the time we headed home.