Friday, December 21, 2007

Christmas at the Kelleys

As most of you know, Mike and I are hosting Christmas at our house this year. My family will arrive on the 23rd for our annual excursion to the Trail of Lights. We will then celebrate Christmas Eve at our Church (Covenant Presbyterian) at the Families with Young Children service. This comes complete with a live nativity scene with camels and donkeys etc…If you have never experienced the joy of the Family Christmas Eve service, let me tell you, it will drive you to drink. It is easy to forget the true meaning of Christmas in a crowded pew with children crawling over and under the pews and smearing Goldfish and Graham Crackers in their hair and on their cute little faces (not to mention your best pair of black slacks). Don’t get me wrong, when my kids were babies, this was truly the best place to be -- celebrating Jesus’ birth in an atmosphere that was tailored to the short attention span of our little ones (and exhausted parents).

While our kids are now old enough to attend the later service, we will continue with our family tradition of straining to hear the pastor over the wails of wee little ones because my nephew, Carson, will be with us for the service. If it were not for the whole drinking and driving (especially with young children in the car) I would opt for some Egg Nog prior to the service. Alas, I will just have to have a big bottle of red waiting upon our return home. I look forward to the day we can return to the beautiful candlelight service with the sane people. But, when that day comes, I am sure my heart will ache because I will miss the days of singing Silent Night while holding my baby in my arms.

We will spend Christmas Day at my sister’s house in Cedar Park. Mike’s parents will arrive that evening just in time to wish Mike a Happy Birthday. We will formally celebrate Mike’s birthday when his sister Amy and her family (husband Phil and my three amazing nieces, Emily (age 10), Anna (age 8) and Melissa (age 3) arrive on the 26th from Michigan. We will have the full turkey dinner and top it off with birthday cake in honor of baby Jesus’ birth and Mike’s too! Do you think people born on Christmas Day have a superiority complex? Or, is that just me? Just kidding, honey. You know I love you. And, you are superior in my book. An amazing husband, dad, son, uncle and CPA! We could not ask for more.

Mike’s family will be with us through New Year’s Eve. We plan to show them as much of Austin as possible – including our incredible BBQ and Mexican food. Yum! Yum!

So that's it folks -- the Kelley Family Christmas in a nutshell. We are hoping for a little less craziness than depicted in the movie Christmas Vacation. I think as long as no long-lost cousins arrive in an RV, we will be fine.

As you know, we decided not to send out Christmas cards this year in an effort to cut down on stress associated with the holiday season. Please accept our sincere wishes for a wonderful holiday surrounded by those you love and that love you. May you all know the joy of a Christ-centered Christmas. We thank you for your love and friendship throughout the year and we wish you all the best in 2008!

With love,
The Kelley Family

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

New Hairdo

Check out our beautiful princess with her new haircut! We cut off 5 inches! She is so proud. Mommy was a nervous wreck watching the hair hit the floor. But, the finished product is too cute. Let's hope it cuts down on the tears every time we comb her hair!


The kids had so much fun on the farm at Thanksgiving. Christmas came a little early as Big Daddy decided to sup rise Lauren with her very own car. It was pretty cold outside, but the weather did not slow down my speed demons! But, they did take time out long enough to enjoy a couple of turkey legs! Gobble! Gobble!


As most of you already know, we had to say goodbye to our sweet Katya almost two weeks ago. It was a very difficult decision, but I have no doubt it was the right one. Katya was 14. She was by far the best dog I have ever owned. She was protective and sweet at the same time. It was very hard to see her health deteriorate. We just could not allow her to continue to suffer any longer. We are all missing her very much. This has been a hard life lesson for the kids. They have asked tons of thoughtful questions and continue to pray for Katya each night.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Cute Kids!

This is my niece, Melissa. She turned three in April. What a handful. She will be visiting us in December and I can't wait to show her off!

Speaking of cute kids, here is my sister and her husband Tolbert with Cowboy Carson. It doesn't get much cuter than that!

Teacher Conference

This blog is for Grandma! I just have to take a minute to brag on my little guy. I attended my first parent/teacher conference last week to discuss Jackson's progress in first grade. The teacher told me she wished she had 100 Jacksons. What a compliment. She had only positive things to say about him and his attitude toward learning. He is reading above grade level and really enjoys math and science. I honestly never thought I would see the day that he would sit still long enough to complete an assignment, but look at him now. What a great kid!

Big Girl Bed

Lauren is very proud of her new "big girl" bed. Her room is so precious. I dread the day she decides she is too old for clouds and fairies!

Team Spirit

Well, the Mudcats ended up with only one win this season, but I think Jackson still had fun. Jackson got a hit during the final game and ran to the correct base. But, unfortunately he was thrown out. No worries, we celebrated as if it was a Grand Slam! All in all, it was a lot of fun and we made some new friends along the way!

Happy Halloween

It was a scary and fun night in Canyon Creek! The kids had a ball. We attended a block party and ate hot dogs and played games. Then it was time for the neighborhood parade. Then on to trick or treating. The kids (and the parents) were exhausted at the end of the night. It is going to be a long day today! I feel sorry for the teachers. All the kids are coming down from their sugar highs!

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Why the March of Dimes?

As most of you know, I recently attended the March of Dimes Volunteer Leadership Conference in Washington D.C. It was truly a wonderful experience and I came home re-energized and more determined than ever to make a difference in our community by educating about premature birth and helping raise money in support of the March of Dimes. I have served on the National Mission Volunteer Advisory Council for the past two years. The committee is made up of parents, friends and family members that have been touched by the mission of the March of Dimes. It was my first time to meet the committee members in person because I missed the conference last year. So I was finally able to put faces to names and voices. I was touched by every one of them. Many have lost children and work tirelessly for the March of Dimes to ensure that other babies are born healthy. Most of them put me and my volunteer efforts to shame! (The top Family Team raised more than $100,000!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

The March of Dimes is embarking on a much needed re-branding campaign in 2008. Research showed that when asked, most people say they are aware of the March of Dimes and think it is a great organization, but few truly know what the organization does. Most knew it was affiliated with polio, but few knew what the organization did today. As conference attendees, we were some of the first to see the new ad campaign and I am very excited about the fresh new look and feel. Unfortunately I can’t tell you about it in detail until after the first of the year. But, I can tell you that the March of Dimes wants to make sure that every mom knows that the March of Dimes has worked diligently and effectively for the past 70 years to ensure the health of our nation’s babies. They want all pregnant women to turn to the March of Dimes for information about healthy pregnancies and babies.

While prematurity is the main focus of the organizations research grants currently, it is important to remember the March of Dimes has a powerful presence on both the state and national level lobbying for healthcare issues that are important for women and babies. Until the March of Dimes stepped in, the state of Texas was screening for a handful of birth defects (the heel prick done in the nursery soon after birth). Because of the March of Dimes, Texas is now screening for 27 of the 29 possible birth defects and the March of Dimes will continue to work until all birth defects are included in the testing. (Did you know that with many of these birth defects the heel prick test can alert doctors to a baby’s possible adverse reactions to simple proteins? This early detection can save babies lives and keep them from living with multiple disabilities.)

While in Washington, more than 450 volunteers visited the Hill to lobby in favor of SCHIP. While the outcome was not in our favor, the March of Dimes will continue to fight to make sure all women and children receive the medical care they need and deserve. Another fun fact, did you know that the March of Dimes lobbied for the fortification of our nation’s grain to help combat the rising numbers of Spina Bifida in our country? Well, they won and today cases of SP have been greatly reduced. Most women know that taking folic acid and prenatal vitamins is important to their babies’ health. They know because the March of Dimes spearheaded the educational campaign to inform them.

One of the highlights of the conference was hearing Sherri Shepherd speak. Sherri is a co-host on “The View.” You may also recognize her from roles on “Everybody Loves Raymond” (she was Robert’s partner on the police squad). Sherri also co-starred opposite Queen Latifah in “Beauty Shop.” Sherri is the mother of a premature baby born at 26 weeks. She gave a very touching (and hilarious) testimony. In the picture above, we are both wearing our Preemie Purple Hearts. These are necklaces made by the mother of a premature baby who now sells them to other mother’s of preemies to help raise money for the March of Dimes.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

A Great Day!

On Monday, the kids and I met my friend Tein and her two children (Clair and Ray) at Zilker Park. Tein and her family live in New York and I only get to see her about once a year. So it was a real treat. We rode the train and a clown was on hand to make cool balloon art for the kids. Of course Jackson asked for a sword and Lauren got a wand! And of course, Jackson's balloon weapon only survived a few minutes. There were no tears though. Afterwards, we headed downtown for lunch. While we waited for our food, the kids stuck up a conversation with one of Austin's finest, police officer Sanchez. He was very nice to them and offered them both police badge stickers. Jackson told the officer that he had a play phone and often practiced calling 911. Officer Sanchez seemed impressed.

One the way home, Jackson declared that it had been a great day. Then he asked, "could it have been any better?" Well, I know he enjoyed having a day off from school. But, it was a reminder that a day with friends and family in Austin, Texas is indeed a great day!

Friday, October 5, 2007

Home Run!!!!

Well, not "technically" a home run! But, we are still celebrating.

Jackson got his first hit during a game last night. He immediately turned around and grinned at me. He was so pleased with himself he forgot (or did not know) to run. So we were all yelling (Uncle Tolbert, me, Kasie, friends, neighbors, teammates and coaches) run, run, run. Well, he did. But, he ran to third. We were all screaming and pointing to first. So he turned around and headed to first. Well, he got thrown out. But, he did not understand that he was out (or he did not care that he was out) so he just kept running. He ran all the bases and came home. We all cheered for him. I did not know whether to laugh or cry. He was so proud of himself and was grinning from ear to ear. I think he really thought he got a home run. Everyone was very gracious (team moms and grandparents etc…) But, I know a few of his team members were really frustrated. Oh well. He is learning each week and he is having fun. One of the kids told him he did not score so he started crying. I am so glad Mike is a coach so he can be out there to give him pep talks. All in all, it was a great game. We lost 11-7 but we still had fun. Mike said coaching is like trying to catch a chicken. The boys are pretty much all over the place. It is hysterical and nerve wrecking to watch! Jackson told me after the game that he played just like Chicken Little. This cracked me up because Chicken Little ran the wrong way too! I just want to make a sign to hold up that says Jackson was a pound and a half when he was born – so be nice to him!!!! To us, it was a home run!

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Trip to Dallas

If you are wondering why I have not posted a blog in almost a month, there are many reasons! One of the main reasons is because I have been preparing to facilitate a workshop for the March of Dimes in Dallas. The meeting was held on Friday. It went very well and I was able to take a deep breath once it was behind me! Following the workshop, I attending the state-wide awards luncheon. Team "In Action for Jackson" received an award for placing 9th in the state of Texas for our family team fundraising efforts. Pictured with me and our family team award is Angela Kraybill, director of WalkAmerica in Austin, Jon Jett member of the State Executive Board of Directors and Jon Levy, President of the Austin Division Board of Directors.

Little Pink #2

Little Pink #2 finally arrived in the mail. Lauren is now a happy little girl! (THANK YOU AUNT PATTY!!!!) It was a difficult month without our favorite blanket. Shown in the picture is Big Pink (who is not allowed to leave our house except for sleepovers) and Little Pink #2 who joins us on every excursion!

Play Ball

I am happy to announce that the Mudcats won their first game on Saturday! It was an exciting game with a final score of 6-2. Jackson did not get a hit, but he had an outstanding attitude and was a real team player! And most importanly, he had fun! We are very proud of him. It was an extra special day because Jackson's Nana, Aunt Kaise and cousin Carson were all on hand to cheer him to victory!

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Top Ten

Mike and I had a good time tonight at the March of Dimes WalkAmerica Awards ceremony. For the second year in a row, Austin raised more than 1 million for the fight against prematurity. Austin is one of only 11 cities in the nation to raise more than a million dollars!
I chaired the Family Teams committee this year. It was my committee's job to recruit new families to participate in WalkAmerica and help them fundraise. It was my second year to chair the committee and we have seen tremendous growth and success. (Pause while I pat myself on the back). This year our Family Teams saw a 59 percent increases over last year. In 2006 families raised $94,445. This year, we raised $150,436. I worked with an amazing committee and my co-chair, Tara Gray, deserves all the accolade's because she knows how to get things done! And we had some fun along the way too!
Team in Action for Jackson was recognized as one of Austin's Top Ten Family Teams. We came in second place with $9,065. I also received an individual award as a Top Walker because I personally raised more than $6,000. (Can you see my cool little bobble head trophy in the picture above -- the kids think it is way cool)!
I spoke briefly at the event and of course I got choked up. I have yet to make it through a speech without showing emotion. I just can't help it. We have an amazing ending to our tragic beginning, but so many others do not. I was with three friends tonight who lost their babies. While we were there to celebrate our success this year, I could not help but think of all the pain and sadness so many have known because of prematurity.
I hope to be able to attend the State wide awards ceremony in Dallas later this month. I have been asked to facilitate a workshop about building a Family Teams committee. I am also looking forward to the March of Dimes Volunteer Leadership Conference in Washington in October. Every time I think I am going to cut back on my volunteer hours, I attend one of these events and get pumped up about the mission of this amazing organization all over again.
As we were leaving the event tonight Mike held my hand and told me how blessed we have been. Sometimes it is easy to forget all that we went through. And, I do think it is important to move forward and not dwell in the past. But, it is also important to recognize our blessings and to keep working to ensure there are more happy endings for other parents of preemies.
So get those checkbooks ready. I will be calling on you in the new year to support our 2008 campaign!

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Rinse and Spit

For those of you who have never known the joy (I mean horror) of having a root canal, I thought I would share this lovely picture with you. (Dr. Denbar said I am the first of his patients in 34 years to ever ask for a picture). Yep, that is me behind the old lady sunglasses. Does Dr. Denbar remind you of Dr. Phil or is it just my medication that makes me think so?

Anyway, I spent my day off (Lauren goes to preschool on Tuesdays and Thursdays) in the dentist chair. After 2 hours and 10 minutes, I felt like a brand new person -- NOT!

I do have to say that Dr. Denbar does an amazing job and is very patient with me (I need lots of breaks because of my TMJ). I should be the poster child for flossing and staying away from sugar! The only thing I can compare the experience of a root canal with is that of labor. Some may say I am over-reacting. But when you have TMJ and you have to wear the contraption pictured above, it can make for a very unpleasant experience. Thank goodness for my iPod which provides much needed distraction. I actually rocked out to Stevie Ray Vaughn and found the strength and where withall to raise my "Hook 'Em horns" sign when the Texas Fight song played. Yes, I have the Texas Fight song on my iPod as all self-respecting Longhorns should.

For the past year I have been working with Dr. Denbar to treat my TMJ and replace old fillings. I actually have a 10-step written plan we have been following. I am almost there! Thank goodness. I think Dr. Denbar will probably be enjoying a month long vacation and adding on to his house with all the $$$ he is making off my poor teeth.

Now off to floss!


Thursday, August 30, 2007

Dog Years

Katya celebrated her 14th birthday today. That is 98 in dog years!
She gave us a little scare yesterday because she was unable to get up. We have known for awhile that she is declining, but it hit me like a ton of bricks to see her unable to stand on her own. I took her in for a check up today. She has lost a lot of weight and has advanced arthritis. The Vet prescribed a new medication and we are hopeful it will put the spring back in her step. She had a great birthday which included running errands with me (she loves to ride in the car). I made her hamburger and rice for dinner and she had a Twinkies for her birthday dessert. Not a bad day for an old lady.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Little Pink

We are sad to report that "Little Pink" is officially lost. Little Pink has been Lauren's favorite blanket since she was one. We think we left Little Pink at a restaurant, but she has not been found (mom called twice). We thought this might be a good opportunity to break our habit of carrying a blanket EVERYWHERE we go. But, after many tears and many discussions, mom decided to call Aunt Patty and ask her to PLEASE make us a replacement. (We do have a backup blanket the same shape and size, but it is not comfy enough says Lauren). We are hoping "Little Pink #2" will arrive within a week or two. As you can imagine, the first day of school without your favorite blanket can be a bit daunting. But, Lauren did fine once she saw her friends and found some dress up clothes. I am excited to know that Little Pink will be replaced because I can think of no better keepsake to remember Lauren's early years. She has had Little Pink in her chubby little hand for as long as I can remember. Let's hope Aunt Patty can work her magic and recreate our special lovey!

Monday, August 27, 2007

Sweet Heart

Look at Jackson's sad little face in this picture. It just breaks MY heart. But, I have to tell you he was bouncing around like Mork from Ork as soon as the leads came off!

As most of you know, Jackson went for some tests last week to rule out possible problems associated with his heart murmur. He has what is referred to as a Still's Murmur. The good news is that it is perfectly normal. Thank you God! I held it together until the doctor told us everything looked fine. Then I broke. I did not realize how nervous I was. Man, this little guy has put his mommy to the test! But, life is never boring that is for sure!

Daddy almost had a heart attack when they gave us the bill -- $2500! Can you believe? With the broken wrist and cardiology appointment, Jackson is racking up quite the medical bills this year. Oh well, it could be so much worse. We are just glad to rule out any potential problems and move forward with school and sports as usual. Let's just pray for a healthy year ahead, PLEASE!

First Day of School

Jackson is on his way to school. I have to admit I am a little sad. He was nervous and a little teary, but we said a little prayer together and that helped. He wanted to know what time the tardy bell would ring and if he would be on time. He wanted to know if anyone would be late on the first day. He wanted to know what the lunch selections are today (mommy did not know). He wanted to know what I packed in his lunch. He wanted to know if he was a walker or car rider. He wanted to know if I would pick him up. He wanted to know where I would wait for him after school. He wanted to know what time I would pick him up. Once he was satisfied with all my answers, he was good to go. Do you think he got his parents' worry genes?

A good friend and neighbor told me yesterday that both her girls had Mrs. Ogle for first grade. She said Mrs. Ogle, "Hung the moon and the stars." She told me Mrs. Ogle is an amazing and loving teacher and each year she requests that her daughters have teachers just like Mrs. Ogle. Needless to say, I am thrilled. I know Jackson is right where he should be. The only negative is that Mrs. Ogle is an Aggie! Given all her other amazing qualities, I have decided to let it slide!

I am not sure what Little Lauren and I will do without our Bubba today. The little princess is still sleeping - of course. I bet she is not going to be very happy when she wakes up. They usually start playing as soon as she wakes up. I have had to beg them all summer to come down and eat breakfast!

I just got a call from Daddy. He told me that he and Jackson were the first to arrive in Mrs. Ogle's class today. He said Jackson cried just a little but adjusted quickly. He said Jackson asked Mrs. Ogle where the numbers were to show if you get in trouble. That gave her and Daddy a good laugh.


Saturday, August 25, 2007

Back to School

Jackson and Mrs. Ogle

Lauren and Mrs. Ilseng

We met our new teachers this week. They are both amazing and I am sure it is going to be a very fun year for Lauren and Jackson.

Lauren will be going back to First Foundations on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9:30 - 1:30. Her new teacher is Mrs. Ilseng. Her room has a safari theme and the class name is "the wild things." Lauren should fit right in! Lauren was so excited to see a whole bucket of dress up clothes. She could not wait to put it all on.

Jackson's new teacher is Mrs. Ogle. She has been teaching first grade for 12 years. She said she is a "hugger" so Jackson should be in the right place. I think Mrs. Ogle looks a little bit like Nana, what do you think? The best news is that several of Jackson's favorite friends are in his class. They were all very excited to see eachother. And, Jackson was thrilled because Mrs. Ogle has a large selection of Arthur books!

Mommy has had lots of tears this week. I am not at all ready for my babies to go back to school. They have been so good this summer. I know it is going to be hard for Lauren when Jackson is gone all day. They have had so much fun playing together. They have been pirates, Jedi and Hogwarts students. We have had tons of playdates and time in the pool. I am not looking forward to the hectic schedule of the Fall, but there is no fighting it. So I am going to put on a brave face and gas up the mini van. Let the after school activities begin!

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Sea World

Jackson, Lauren and I went to Sea World yesterday with Aunt Kasie and Carson and our good friends Will and Staci Bryan. We had an amazing day. The kids (all four of them) were perfect. It was a near perfect day. The kids were worn out by the time we headed home.